ICC camp

The international camp on computers and communication is the ultimate summer event that increases blind and visually impaired young people’s independence. For 10 days, more than 65 participants between 16 and 21 from more than 15 countries unite and prepare for a future study or professional career. Through a personalized workshop program taught by international experts , they can enhance the social and technology skills they need most. There is also time for culture, fun and friendship beyond borders. This way, these 10 days can be the catalyst for an international network of knowledge exchange that lasts for years after the event has ended. Organized yearly since 1994 by partners around Europe, the ICC camp and its mission formed the roots and inspiration for our project.
ICC weekend

Bringing the ICC camp concept to Belgium and giving more people the chance to benefit from it. That is the main aim of our ICC weekend, which we host each fall since 2018. Aside from a slightly more intimate setting and a broader (16 to 30) age range, the weekend is packed with all well known ingredients. These include Social and technology workshops, fun cultural and sports activities and most of all the open and international atmosphere that is so unique to ICC.
Innovation day

Innovation is a key value of our organisation. The Innovation Day is the perfect day to show the newest developments for visually impaired people. Via interesting lectures and interactive demonstrations, you will get to know different innovative developments, organisations and products for visually impaired people. You can even try out some new tools yourself.
ICC Boost Your Studies workshop series

In this workshop series, we equip Flemish visually impaired and blind people with the right skills and tools to kick-start their career in higher education. In Saturday afternoon sessions, we cover topics such as social integration, how and where to get the right assistance and tactics to ensure rights to reasonable adjustments. We also provide crash courses in accessible course materials, collaborative work environments such as google docs and dealing with statistics and maths. These workshops are not just about teaching, but rather about exchanging tips, tricks and experiences and encouraging everyone who follows them to take their study career into their own hands.
Experiences in the Dark

To raise awareness in the society what it is like to be blind, we organise different activities in the dark. An example is the Dinner in the Dark. There you can enjoy a delicious meal in a fully darkened room. Do you leave with a clean table and clothes? We are not sure. We only know that it is an unforgettable experience.
Fund raising

Besides the much appreciated help of our sponsors, either businesses or individuals, our project would never be possible without the fundraising we do on some of our events. The ICC Quiz is an example. Other activities, like Dinner in the Dark, also provide us some funds. Also you can help us by donating here.